Meaning of name «Valeria»

Origin: Valeria from Latin - "healthy".

Name-: June 20.

Color: Blue.

The main features of Valeria: will, sensitivity, irritability, intuition.

Totemic plant: Cherry.

Totem animal: Cicada.

Zodiac: Leo.

Type: Most intriguing, you never know, they explode or sing. From childhood to keep them in the hands of.

Psyche: Never sit still, they need to move all the time to sing and dance.

Valerie lacks balance and stability. Often for more courage to demonstrate their anger, to impress others. Aspire to an active social life. Overconfidence.

Will: Strong, sometimes despotic.

excitability: So strong, that makes them irritable and nervous. Express their feelings very rapidly, followed by a long-term depression.

The reaction rate: Valeria is very fast, especially if it is close to vdet. They are ready to protect their teeth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

field activities: More interested in their inner world than work. The best thing for them is an accomplishment of its own hearth. These girls love to help, Valerie can allow early to cook and do other housework.

Most of all, they are suitable occupations requiring communication with people - in catering, trade, education.

Intuition: Linked to their sensitiveness. They are adorable and charming and perfectly able to use these qualities for the benefit of themselves.

Intelligence: Valeria synthetic mind, it has a lively, well-developed imagination and great imaginative memory, long remembers what she was struck or disturbed.

Susceptibility: While trying to keep a distance, but it also shows strongly developed sensitivity and susceptibility. Needless restless.

Morality: They delight in equal measure both his own and others' successes.

Health: Good, but they are likely to be overweight. Possible disorders of the genitourinary system. Should lead a healthy and active lifestyle, playing sports, especially water sports. Tend to abuse drugs, especially tranquilizers.

Sexuality: Strong and manifested early. Nevertheless, they are sentimental and truer friend than it may seem. Family and social taboos may contribute Valerie sexual complexes.

activity: Depends on the circumstances. Waiting for friends of sincerity, and if any of them cheat, can retaliate.

Sociability: Love to have guests, are ideal hostess. Adapt well everywhere feel free and easy. They sparkle and joy of life.

Valeria achieves some success not only in the professional sphere, as in the implementation of self-.

features: If a small Valeria inflates, it permanently. It seems to be one reason for this is not given, but it is not in the spirit of. Just for no apparent reason after a while a playful and affectionate, and again it is not necessary to puzzle over why it happened - still not have solved. Growing up, continues to be complex and unpredictable. It is controversial in the evaluation of events and people, fickle in their intentions, which naturally irritates others. However, such Valeria seems only to those who know its bad. Close realize that the basis of its vulnerability lies some whimsical and hypersensitivity. A fleeting glance at her husband walked past a woman, no one would notice, and be sure to notice Valeria. And as a result - it is steep and understood many act decisively to spoil the mood. To strangers she often wary, distrustful. In-law harmless observations will provide a biased attitude to himself, though the other sister in the same situation would have reacted quite calmly.

Valeria caring, household wife, in her home throughout the procedure. Dislikes going to parties, to visit her preference to domestic peace and fellowship with the family. Jealous, each new woman surrounded by her husband caused her many fears and suspicions, humiliating interrogations husband. Jealousy often destroys Valerie successfully emerging first marriage. Prone to allergies, bronchitis, Valerie unstable nervous system.

«Winter» Valeria: cutting, irritability, frequent temper tantrums. "Autumn" - a more balanced, but still unpredictable. Can work as an artist-designer, musicologist guide.

«Summer»: eccentric, conflicted.

«Spring» Valeria: capricious, whimsical, always dissatisfied with something. Her vocation - to be an actress, artist, singer, model '.

name goes well with the patronymic: Ivanovna Emilevna, Aronovna, Denisovna, Danilovna Matveevna. Unstable nervous system Valerie because her name is derived from the male Valery. I do not recommend to girls names such.