Meaning of name «Varvara»

value, origin: Name Varvara - the feminine form of the name Barbarian (Accel. Varvara) from the Greek word "Barbaros" - a foreigner. The original meaning of the word "Barbaros" - not speaking in Greek - is close to the Russian words "TARABAR", "jay" - chatting unclear.

name means: Inozemka, barbarian, savage, of the Vikings, cruel. Gusts will and irrepressible force capable to move mountains and to destroy obstacles, sound in this name.

Name-: January 11, March 7, July 18, Dec. 17

Zodiac name: Sagittarius.

Planet: Jupiter.

Color name: Crimson, yellow, brown and green combination with red-brick.

Birthstone: Rubin.

plant: Hornbeam, narcissus, orchid.

Animal: Albatross, cod.

Key features: Sociability, susceptibility, irritability, fighting spirit, perseverance.

Type: stately, immediately drew the attention. Unduly susceptible. Her innate sense of beauty. Prone to laziness, slow. Like her orchid flower needs the sun and warmth.

name and character: Barbara modest, flexible, hardworking, but somewhat hesitant. However, holding a business, especially if they truly carried away, she will not stop. Judgment and closed. Their grievances kept a. Afraid of defending herself, offend another.

Barbara - a perfect being, "the pride of the kingdom" ... But you can not let this baby in the family to play the role of princess. Cooking girl - kind, humble, smiling child. Most of all she like her father, and inherits many respects, not only its appearance but also the character traits. This "barbarian" walking for justice, for the good, to the light - though of those who an iron fist in a velvet glove.

Psyche: Good feels only in their own fantasy world where dreams of jewels, palaces and magnificent reception that involuntarily forcing her to lie constantly.

Intuition: Barbara Serves life plans, although it is a little schemer.

Intelligence: Synthetic mindset. Grabs the whole and does not bother particulars. Curious as a cat, chatty. Has a good visual memory.

Morality: It would be surprising if such a nature would not have gone to some compromises with his conscience.

Health: Not very good. Minor ailments happen nervous character. Weak organs - pancreas, kidneys, intestines, spine. Recommended daily two-hour walk.

Sexuality: It's a woman-girl, female flower, which is thrilling, exciting, brings to the despair of his fans, until it encounters on its way man's father, who did not scare her antics. Although, who knows - how long? Her energy honest, true and deep material.

Varvara Braves, but given it is difficult to. "Summer" Barbara knows how to present yourself in a favorable light, tastefully dressed. Touchy and demanding.

Barbara - amorous, but in relationships with men shows excessive timidity.

Marriage: homebody, good hostess. Betrothed chooses meticulously. However, the first marriage is not always the best.

Favorable associations: Alexander Alexei, Boris, Vladimir, George Michael, Peter and Fedor.

Adverse associations: Andrew Oleg Simon Ivan Yegor Eugene.

Hobby: loves to spend time with your family and reluctantly takes part in parties with strangers. Able to create a comfortable environment at home. Interested in sports.

field activities: Interested in everything related to the beautiful. Very independent. Do not like to get up early and go to the service. Maybe the artist, artist's model, fashion model, nurse, teacher, librarian, accountant, salesperson.

Business: Starting any business, slowly bring it to the end. Quarrelsome, and most commonly do not agree.

Celebrities: Zarudnaya, Zielinska, Massalitinova Panina, Ryzhov, Stanwyck.

The history: Princess Varvara (XII century. ), Daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus married Russian Prince Michael Izyaslavich and transported can-soup St. Barbara from Constantinople to Kiev, where they now rest in the Vladimir Cathedral.