Meaning of name «Veronica»

Origin: Veronica - biblical name, the name of a woman from Jerusalem, which, according to legend, wiped the sweat from the face of Jesus as he carried the cross.

Name-: Oct. 17.

Derivatives: Veronichka, Vera, Verona, Ronja, Ronyusha, Verunya, Wieruszow, Vicky, Nick Nikasha, Nikusha.

Color: Blue.

Key features: Will susceptibility morality Activity.

Totemic plant: Lily.

Totem animal: Dove.

Zodiac: Virgo.

Type: Choleric with hard character. This is reasonable, hardworking women, some gloomy, envious, but have huge reserves of love and tenderness.

Mind: Introverts - tend to withdraw into themselves and do not always reveal their thoughts and feelings. Secretive. Very self-confident and prudent.

Will: Very strong, leaving no selfishness. Their totem is a lily - a symbol of beauty and responsiveness, strong odor which, however, not all carry.

excitability: In conjunction with the responsiveness becomes simply explosive!

The reaction rate: Huge! If we do not agree with something, express its disagreement very rapidly. Stubborn. Defeat and failure upset them, but they do not make a tragedy of this.

field activities: Normally this exemplary student. They are attracted by the profession where you have laid out completely, but most of all they fit the role of mother and family homemaker. They enjoy working with children and care for the sick, can be doctors, nurses, nurses, teachers, etc.

Intuition: Veronica has good intuition, but does not use it, preferring trodden paths of various unexpected. Firmly on the ground.

Intelligence: Do not seek to shine, rather prefer to give way to people wanting to attract attention. They have an analytical mind, hence the interest in small things, not to the whole.

Susceptibility: These women are easily offended and hurt. But they quickly intercede for others than will defend himself. Capable of strong affection, but their circle of friends is limited and carefully selected.

Morality: Stick too strict moral rules. They have an innate sense of decency, which is particularly evident in the crucial moments of their lives.

Health: Enjoy enviable health and stamina. Must lead a regular life. Weak "side" - the intestines, lungs and skin.

Sexuality: plays a huge role in their lives. The most important thing for them is the joy of giving.

activity: It seems that what others have to take difficult, they are given with ease.

Sociability: In a society feel with ease, though they do not tend to communicate.

features: As a child, timid, shy and indecisive, prone to colds. With age, the nature of these sense crumbs become visible traits such as irritability, and especially - stubbornness. In addition, some of them there is an allergy to scents, they may faint from the sight of blood.

The character Veronica - the mother, although she looks like her father. Sorority prefers married men and is repeatedly; born from her usual girl.

Veronica - sociable and lively, you can say, funny woman and retains its liveliness to old age.

It is extremely amorous and enjoys stunning success in men. However, it soon broke out feeling maybe it just as quickly disappear, and then it without regret sever all ties with former lover. Unpleasant feature Veronica - stubbornness (it is especially characteristic for the "winter" Veronique), often it acts just to spite someone. Veronica's favorite colors - red, purple and black.

name Veronica fit male names: Vladimir, Alexander Peter Leonid Stanislav, Boris, Igor - this means that carriers with such names she would be happy. Nicholas, Edward Victor, Vladislav Orestes, Semen Vitaly Constantine - her little fit.

Conclusion: As a child, Veronica did not cause trouble, because sooner priuchivaetsya to solve their problems, not vzvalivaya them on the shoulders of others.