Meaning of name «Victoria»

value, origin: «Victoria" - the Latin word for "victory";

from Indo-European root "Vic" - the pressure force.

name is Victoria: victory, winner. It is characterized by verified heartfelt emotion and sensuality. Gentle, easy and feminine name. The name is not very common - rural Victoria four per thousand girls in the cities is the name - at the end of the second ten. In Roman mythology, Victoria - the goddess of victory, called first Wick Sweat. Corresponds to the Greek Nike. In Rome, Victoria Temple was dedicated on the Palatine and the altar in the Curia of the Senate. The inscriptions on the coins Empire era Victoria usually portrayed as the personification of victory.

Name-: March 12, September 12, December 23

Zodiac name: Aquarius.

Planet: Uranus.

Color name: purple, yellow, white, blue, dark turquoise combination with pale orange.

Birthstone: Lapis.

plant: cedar, mimosa, gentian. Victoria itself resembles a thin but sturdy flower petals tight and elastic.

Animal: Bumblebee Toad.

Key features: The active. Usually upryamitsa. In working with laziness, but has an outstanding taste.

Type: phlegmatic. She braked excitability and slightly lower reaction. Does nothing in a hurry, does not panic. Firmly on the ground and does not waste time ghostly dreams.

name and character: Victoria has some intrinsic uncertainty. So all my life it seeks to assert itself, although in a somewhat bizarre form. Sometimes manifested in the calling appearance or inadequate behavior. She's not very sociable, but few friends, and most importantly, loved betrayed recklessly. Hipped. Very sensitive, but also very secretive. Victoria - woman with secrets ... As a child Vika most like her father. It is somewhat slow and children's games rarely ringleader. Loves when she read the book, but she does not want long to learn to read. Outwardly calm, steady, not talkative, sometimes withdrawn into itself. In his youth, becomes more lively. Can make a very bright makeup. Demonstrative - one of the main features of adult Victoria. You can not always understand what they think Victoria. When she is silent, it seems that she is angry at something, while she just watches and listens. Looks timid, shy, although she huge internal reserves. She lacks confidence.

Psyche: Her life could flow without stress, if not for her excessive love attraction. Prone to mood swings - can move from high excitement to depression. Temper, but quickly departs. Sometimes reckless, but fair. Victoria are often endowed with some talent. Care and sophistication combined with emotionally demanding.

Intuition: Deep, but very selective. Unmistakably feels emotional state interlocutor and guesses his relationship to his. Easily vulnerable, especially in youth, as it always distinguish exceptional sensitivity and aversion to any ostentation. However, instead of relying on inspiration, she carefully plans his affairs.

Intelligence: She probably male mind. Gets along well with the team, preferring men. Analytical mind patiently gives her the opportunity to delve into the details. Can unite disparate facts into the picture. Characterized by high culture, erudition and good memory.

Morality: adhere to the principle that many believe philistine.

Health: AVG, you must follow him from childhood. It requires long walks in the fresh air, exercise. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

Sexuality: This is the secret of her nature area. Can not stand when someone invades her. However, in the impenetrable hiding stormy temperament. Loves to be the center of attention: athletic, postural champion, photogenic. Without love, she can not imagine life. Love for Victoria - a kind of drama, romance shrouded in sexual desire. It seeks to make sex a poetic. Harmony of sexual relations with it acquires Eugene Vladimir, Sergei, Edward Alexander Basil, Victor, Anton Philip Artem and Semen.

Marriage: To the future husband has very high demands and chooses very carefully. Even after the wedding continues to doubt whether she was admitted. Then can become trusting and frank, will greatly love her husband and to sacrifice themselves for the sake of it. Jealous, does not forgive infidelity.

Favorable associations: Vladimir, Michael Leo Sergey, Semyon, Edward.

Adverse associations: Alexander Vitali Dimitri, Grigory, Yuri.

Hobby: Allows Me extravagance. For muzhasozdaetsya impression that she engage others.

field activities: Victoria attracts scientific activity. Maybe scientists, engineers. Many representatives of Victoria artists - writers, artists, dancers, musicians, artists. Victoria often chooses the profession of a teacher or tutor - kids love it. However, more prosaic attract her specialty: a nurse, a doctor, a saleswoman, cook, hairdresser, designer. Can also be a fashion model and a model.

Business: If possible, Victoria does just what she liked and really interesting, and does conscientiously and professionally. She is not able to fight for a warm place in my life, pushing others elbows. Sociable only close friends.

Victoria is very resourceful. Easily allows service problems over which long struggling colleagues. However, his accomplishments Victoria does not emphasize, as it is inherent modesty. Although the appearance of fellow bosses it can be more active and businesslike, but were rebuffed, quickly loses vitality and becomes as usual.

Celebrities: Ivanov Levitskaya, modeling, Tokarev, Fedorova, Tsiganova.

The history: Victoria (1819-1901) - Queen of Great Britain from 1837. , The last of the Hanover dynasty, was so strong impact on domestic and foreign policy of England, that the entire century of its board and its features were named Victorian!

See also patronymics value: V. and V..