Meaning of name «Jadwiga»

Value Name: Name Jadwiga drevnegermanskogo origin, means rich warrior.

Color: Green.

Key features: Will - excitability - the reaction rate.

Totemic plant: Tobacco.

Totem animal: Homer.

Zodiac: Libra.

Type: In general type are choleric,

Have a quick response. Very mobile, can not sit still, hence the comparison with pigeon.

Psyche: In the life of a hard time with them. The mood is changing rapidly - from merriment to deep depression. Should always pay attention to them, otherwise they will be engaged in you ... but it's much worse. By nature they are introverts who are immersed in their inner little world. Look too arrogant, but often these are appearances.

Will: Not able to take decisive action.

excitability: Strong, even too. Need a lot of effort to appease them if they get into a fuss.

The reaction rate: Jadwiga react violently, acts impulsively.

activity: Can be overwhelming, but it can be calm. Relatives should monitor these girls, but so that those who do not have the feeling that they are being watched.

Intuition: gifted with amazing intuition, restless, mobile and changeable, such as cigarette smoke.

Intelligence: the ability to synthesize, quickly grasp everything, understand everything, but often get bogged down in details that do not like and reject. Have a good memory, but remember only the interests of their. Since childhood, they should be taught to discipline.

Susceptibility: Very nerve. Full of joy today, tomorrow disheartened. Tend to play in a sense, to manipulate others. Love to have friends around them, but often change their. Losses lead to despair, which quickly passes.

Morality: Thinly feel moral principles, but do not just change them without finding satisfaction in made. Some moral opportunism sometimes leads them to violent adventures.

Health: Generally good, but often their own carelessness leads to accidents. Especially need to drive carefully. Frequent fractures of legs. Should pay attention to the kidneys.

Sexuality: Often too hasty decisions. Between their activity and the inertia of the people around them - too much distance.

field activities: Jadwiga may be a flight attendant and a journalist by trade representative.

Sociability: Their house may be full of friends.

Feature name: Jadzia grows restless sickly child. Parents try to attach it to the sport, but this usually does not work. And the relationship with the parents of the girl is not the best, especially hard to find a common language with her mother. Problems with study at no Jadwiga. She persisted, stubborn, somewhat stiff and school friends mostly with boys. Desire to lead her much since childhood. As an adult, she tries to boss all. She is hard to please, perhaps, so life is not a bed of roses Jadwiga. Her reason lie in wait everywhere various difficulties and setbacks. Marriage often comes out twice. Despite all the hardships of life, Jadwiga optimist and eventually reaches a certain position in society. And it seeks only his own work. Among women with the same name many believers.

Jadwiga sociable, very quickly converges with strangers, though distrustful by nature, and no less quickly and can easily break off all relations. She is sensual and always surrounded by admirers. Love long trips, interested in reading, tea prefers coffee. Prepares delicious, especially good at her pastry. Likely to get a true, reliable, and loving husband she had most of Anton Igor Casimir, Michael Adolf Peter Simon the Emile, Sergey; Rudolf Nicholas, Anatoly Vladimir, Clement Leonti Evdokimov - their little.

Conclusion: These "pigeons" are very intense and sometimes violent family life. But in their society it is difficult to miss, especially since they are very charming.