Meaning of name «Julia»

Origin: Julia (STAR. Julius) - Roman family name. According to another version, it is the feminine form of the Roman gentile male named Julius (STAR. Iuly), which comes from the Latin word "Julius" - curly, fluffy, sheaf. Perhaps the name comes from the name Julius legendary Roman hero Yule Ascanius, son of Aeneas and Creusa. Presumably, Yul became king he founded Alba Longa. According to other sources, the king of Alba, was his illegitimate son, and he founded a new cult Yul. From Yule led his famous Roman ancestry born Julio. So, in ancient Rome the name Julia was assigned to women of this kind, the Julio. Julia name means curly, wavy, fluffy, in July.

value: Very beautiful and feminine, gentle and good name. Nimble, elusive stream of sound - like elastic and flexible line penetrating the envelope forward and barriers. In her sweet liveliness she pass all static and frozen and can not be immersed in the depths of the seriousness and drama.

Julia - one of the most attractive, charming and bright Russian women names. Name is very loved, especially in large cities (in the top ten), and its popularity is growing.

Name-: May 31, July 29.

Zodiac name: Leo.

Planet: Sun (Jupiter).

Color name: Bright yellow, red, light turquoise-green, orange, green, dark blue, dark blue with a narrow strip of scarlet. The most favorable colors - green and blue.

Birthstone: amber, lapis lazuli, sapphire, jade.

plant: Oak, sunflower, vine.

Animal: Dragonfly, deer.

Key features: Sociability, sensitivity, intuition, health.

Type: Moving, remarkable, going up the stairs. Secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. Like her totem - vine requires care in time to bloom. Happy marriage or interesting work for her - the purpose of life.

name and character: Julia wise and gentle in appearance, but the nature of its capricious. Pretty good-natured, inclined to charity, willingly shares with others. Very well able to blame their problems on anyone but themselves. She has no sense of responsibility. Julia created for obedience and good impact can succeed. It being crowded fantasies, needs strong will. Choice and maintaining its image Julia is not engaged. Her behavior is natural and stems directly from the features of her character.

Fate: Julia is one of those women who make up the wine of life ... As a child, Julia - very vulnerable and resentful child. Her mood can change instantly. From cheerful and cheerful girl she turns into an angry and sluggish. But she is able to restore your mood. Avid argumentative, reluctantly concedes defeat. Not tolerate other people's suffering, and the sight of blood. One does not like to stay in the dark. Julia often develop from childhood moodiness and stubbornness. However, it is routinely top (yul), it is easy to give the right impetus behavior. Active struggle and opposition to Julia are not typical, but way out of difficult situations she finds.

Psyche: little wild, avoids conflicts with society. It has several aristocratic manners - not like vulgar entertainment, such as fairs. Julia inherent striking nervous excitability, impetuosity emotions - she likes to be groovy. No wonder that the name is so similar to the word "whirligig". Sanguine temperament it, but under the outer gaiety and ease the work of the soul is. It was her Julia owes its naturalness and stability.

Intuition: Julia has the ability to foresee the main stages of its life.

Intelligence: Beauty Julia combined with fairly deep intellect, great receptivity and ability to live without anyone imposing his opinion, but being able to listen to others'. She has a lively mind, prone to generalizations, an excellent memory, but it is not too inquisitive.

Morality: Its hardness can not be called senseless obstinacy, but rather a resistance to misery and skill relatively quietly, without exaltation perceive rare gifts happy fate. Julia inherent dignity. It is true word and always fulfills its obligations. Hard going through infidelity or dishonesty.

Health: Good.

Julia never complains, indefatigable and hardy. Weak internal secretion organs.

Sexuality: Julia - love child, childhood surrounded worship with dignity and takes it. It is open to the world, does not go into narcissism, and his charm inspires others.

Julia restrained, but this does not exclude gusts sensuality, especially when she meets the perfect partner. Heightened sexuality has Julia I.. It beckons and goes ....

Marriage: Personal and family life is not always Julia develops simple and easy, as it does not accept any arm-twisting or faintness partner. She is a good cook. Able to create stocks of pickles, jams, canned. Always happy to receive visitors. And not only eat feed, but will speak out. Do not let anyone get bored.

Favorable associations: with Basil, Vladislav Eugene Cyril Edward.

Adverse associations: Anatoly Andrew Nicholas, Theodore and Philip.

Hobby: Julia keen household. For it is the most important job where she tries to show all their best qualities and what devotes all his time. But the fundamental interests of Julia - books. And she is very keen on all the fantastic and supernatural.

field activities: Julia inner strength can be called universal, so broad range of its possible application. For example, the love of the exact sciences. But here there is no love for learning, learning only when needed. Stretches to the bohemian life, trying to achieve universal acceptance, however, gives way to a senior.

Business: active and agile character of Julia may well help in career. She knows how to be resistant. She has a lot of detractors and enemies, but friends and there is no shortage.

Julia often able to kindle their enthusiasm surrounding. Her excessive aggressiveness in most cases smoothed gaiety and a penchant for humor.

Celebrities: Azhazha, Angel Belyanchikova, Benyushyavichyute Borisova, Drunina, Zhimantene (Žemaitė) Menshova, Pushkin.

The history: Julia Kryunder (1764-1824) - Beauty Baroness. Since childhood inherited inordinate ambition and addicting nature. Educated, fully developed in 18 years Julia married forty years diplomat Baron Krün dera - exclusively mercantile interests. However, she soon fell in love with her husband, and he, in her opinion, is not enough hot answered her love ardor. Seeking oblivion in stormy romances, Julia plunged into social life. She was attractive and expressive face, beautiful hands, beautiful light brown hair, blue eyes and charming grace. Widowed at age 38, Julia wrote an autobiographical novel "Valeria", who had a scandalous success. Beginning to predict the future. Died at 64 years old, caressed by the Emperor Alexander I.