Meaning of name «Jozef»

Polish - God will add. Character in childhood impulsive, irritable, and grows very stubborn. It grows fierce, vengeful. If anyone in detsadike hurt her home she will tell parents about it. But Jozef never responds to insult. Adult, it becomes very proud, persistent in achieving this goal. In friendship selective if someone respects, it always refers warmly if not respect, then such a person is trying to simply ignore. If and friends, only with their own kind. Jozef good hostess can create coziness in the house, skillfully entertains invited guests. Successfully employed barmaid restaurants, a casino, the maitre d ', a leading TV program, guide, interpreter, administrator at the hotel, a dancer in vaudeville. It is reliable, never betrays his friends. Wherever she worked - everywhere it will succeed. Jozef wonderful cooks, she hospitable, but rarely choose to visit friends she. She has a clear mind, she diplomatically, always on top. Can quickly switch from one mode of operation to another. But the service is constantly late morning sleep longer loves, because she owl, so it is better to work in the afternoon. To superiors respects so well promoted in the service, the staff considered it. Born in November, as no one else knows how Jozef penetrate the soul, understand the mood, help in difficult moments. But no one more skilled than she can not hide their intimate intentions, while maintaining complete peace of mind.

This tactic perfectly justified in fighting rivals: rarely one of them is waiting for a trick of being in such a state of human. As for the family budget, its behavior is ambiguous: it is petty stingy, it is wasteful, likes luxury and comfort, and it is not cheap.

Jozef in dealing with people externally restrained, even cool. Terribly jealous herself, but does not like being jealous of her and keep her from jealousy is very difficult. Struggling to achieve its goal, trying to understand human nature and to properly evaluate the actions of people. Loves to create difficulties and overcome them immediately. The December - a complex, sexy. She traveled, independent woman, but believes in the predictions, often goes to a fortune-teller. Likes to talk on the phone for a long time. Born in December, especially appreciates female friendship, refers to some women with contempt. Loves driving around in a car with young boys, pity animals. Due to the amazing insight and intuition it is impossible to deceive, if she sees a man through. Knows her worth and never run with all haste to rush to the neck lover. In marital union Dmitrievne Jozef, born in August need to marry born in April, then the marriage would be the best. Born in December, there will be several unlucky, but only because of its amorousness. Looks very charming, in men is a success, quickly converges with people, but just as quickly and breaks relationships only with women long lasting friendships, but communicates more with men than with girlfriends. Deliver in every marriage children of different sexes, similar to his father and the external and internal genotype.

Jozef loves extraordinary dress - in black or white with red, rarely - blue.