Meaning of name «Zinaida»

From the Greek divine daughter. Energy and karma name By its name has considerable energy and sharpness assertiveness. Perhaps it is possible to catch and a hint of romanticism and dreaminess, but if it is, then thoroughly muffled words sonority. You could even say that the name sounds like Zinaida winning marching song, or rather as the beginning of her music. Of course, one way or another all this should be reflected in the nature of most of Zina. Another aspect - is the apparent simplicity of the name, its ordinariness, while many of the girls, especially in adolescence, dreaming of a beautiful and mysterious names. Zina - somewhat arrogant, the cool girl. The school strives to be the right hand of the teacher, several fawns before senior, respected force. Not averse to gossip. Studies well, can not hide the joy when it is given as an example to other students. It is possible that in his youth Zina will seek in any poluelitnye company, but usually it goes with age, and the top takes a sober approach and not ambitious thoughts. Usually a girl with the same name since childhood knows what he wants and knows how to achieve the desired insistently. Parents probably do not pay attention to prevent it, as is the quality of the years can develop into self-centeredness, to the extent that Zina can be convinced that everything must live exactly as she sees fit. However, life is usually substantially corrects such ideas, sometimes quite painful, and therefore likely Zinaida learn to hide it from others its quality, and then it is fully manifest on her close family and subordinates at work. Rarely beauty. But she knows how charming and profitable and effectively present themselves. If we add to this that Zinaida almost always passionate nature, we can understand why they did not complain about the lack of attention to them men.

Zinaida smart. Leader of the warehouse psyche, she skillfully hides it demonstrates subjugate man;

Later, when she is already bound by marriage, a despot, hiding in it, breaks out. But if her husband would also Zina man with character, then no escaping the troubles and family tragedy. This can hardly be called normal relationship, because even if Zina and her husband will be able to drive under the heel, it is unlikely that she herself would be a little easier. Is it that there will be another rotation for complaint this time the results of their own effort. The family she manages the finances and the best always know what to do to her husband and children, how they should act and what to say.

Zinaida meticulously engaged in landscaping apartments, some stingy, but at the sight of the beautiful things money will not regret. Excellent cook all sorts of homemade liqueurs, cordials and wine at the event will not refuse a drink, sometimes reveals marked tendency to drinking. Zinaida out of excellent accountants, pharmacists. Zinaida-teacher stands out for its captiousness. Born in the summer have a gentle nature, and with the middle name Zenaida O., A., Stanislavovna Karlovna and S. refer to the natures of the complex nature. If Zinaida want to live in a complete family, it should be guided not only your mind, but also to respect the opinions of others. Yes, and so will be less errors. However, the most important qualities of Zinaida - it is a sober mind and penetrative ability. With age, it starts perfectly understand when to keep quiet and when you can and yell. You can be sure that she would do anything not to lose their benefits, and gradually turned the house into a full cup. Her energy in the work may be surprising, and even envy, while usually it still has more power and housekeeping. The only pity is that the need to be happy not only abundance, on the contrary, more complete understanding and sincere love for him is much more important. Secrets of communication should not once again move Zinaida road, but if. much like happened, resolve the dispute can only compromise. In the end, harm her, even unwittingly, in one, try to concede anything else. And do not forget to emphasize that if you want to maintain a relationship with her. Next name in the history of one of the most beautiful, educated women of her time activity was Princess Zinaida Volkonskaia (1792-1862), and it was recognized by all who have seen it at least once. Passionate nature and addicting, unable to do anything halfway, the princess his entire life moving from one subject to another study, putting his heart and soul into everything, for whatever was taken. Some time after her marriage she lived in St. Petersburg, but soon she got bored with court life, and After traveling abroad, the Princess moved to Moscow, where he seriously began studying Russian folk songs, fairy tales and customs. Thanks to its light liking, fateful appearance and extraordinary mind, soon became the center of Zinaida Volkonskaia mug, visited the most prominent men of her time. Pushkin Vyazemskij, Baratynsky Zhukovsky and many others gladly long conversations with educated beauty, and a lot of poems was inspired by her vivid way. However, long fascinated color Zinaida Volkonskaia Moscow youth - just 5 years after his arrival in Moscow, after five years of trouble on the device of folk antiques and studying Russian literature, she again becomes boring - Russian flavor has lost the charm of novelty, and its changeable nature begins to pull something new. So, at the age of 38 years old beauty moved to Rome, where he remains forever changing customs study Russian hinterland fierce advocacy positions Catholicism.