Names » Zoya

Meaning of name «Zoya»

From the Greek - life.

Zoe grows obedient child friendly. Parents call it zaychonku. Indeed, there is something in it from this quiet and harmless animal.

Zoya did not bully. Believe fairy tales and gets very upset when he learns that Santa Claus is actually no. Friends, mostly girls. Boys because of their violent temper somewhat afraid. Girlfriend loves to tell horror stories that she often comes up, and she often starts to believe in them. Good helper mother. Easier it are humanities, she loves animals, enjoys breeding colors. If these interests in child support, then Zoe can get a good botanist, zoologist. Quiet and dreamy character Zoe allows her to get along with most people. She can say, there is no conflict with her husband, as a rule, set a good relationship with colleagues and neighbors.

Zoe intuitively feels good and bad people, talk to her about her choice of others, gossip and rumors almost mean nothing. The main thing - it's her, her inner perception, feeling human.

Zoe instantly detects the slightest change in the state of mind of a man reading his mind's voice, intonation, facial expressions. Zoe's interest in the inner world of man drags her into the sphere of solving and predictions, and it often becomes a psychic, fortune teller, prophetess. By any turns of fate she can take as inevitable, which can only accept. Zoe often believe in God, although they may not go to church. Faith brings them comfort in their personal lives, which is not always going well. Turbulent life itinerant quick change of impressions, new people tiring Zoya. Wife named Zoe usually loyal family, selfless. However, marriages Zoey are not always happy.

Sexuality named Zoe Zoe charming and intelligent, she is an interesting conversationalist, a man able to lift the mood cute joke.

Zoe sentimental, romantic, but at the same time perfectly able to handle men - if he wants, can lure into their network very resistant. Nobody is able to compete with it and ingenuity when it comes to sex. It can support any conversation with any man for any, the most intimate topic. Her quick mind can accurately understand the man, in his psychology, in his eyes for sex. It's sensitive, attractive, popular among men, but somehow the impression single woman. Sex is not indifferent to it, but sensual pleasure in itself does not give her full satisfaction in bed, she playful, affectionate and attentive to the partner. This woman can forgive a man flaws, but does not tolerate insincerity, she would like to be admired, but fulsome flattery she can not stomach. Some men disappoint her in an intimate relationship, leaving the soul of nasty sludge, but it never fails to file mind that it touched her, adoring love is easy and pleasant, if a man is given to sex with passion. Its highly experienced attracted to men, both in the everyday sense, and sexually. It shall not have to wait for the mad passion, but she has the rare ability to see in every man the one and only. It is a great pleasure that a man enjoys it.

Zoe very insightful, it is difficult to deceive her fine intuition, which often helps her relationships with men. Winter Zoya often deprived of male affection - not sex, namely affection, in which it really needs, for intimacy for her first of all love and tenderness, and then sensual pleasure. Their experiences, it is in itself, with no one sharing. Zoe more suitable summer men.