Dream » L » Light

The interpretation of the dream «Light»

A dream in which you light a light bulb in the room, portends receive interesting news or a letter from afar. Kindle chandelier means that soon you will be guilty of some celebration. Light candles portends a favorable outcome of long circulation in many instances.

If you light a kerosene lamp in a log cabin, lost heaven knows where - is to love experiences. Kindle sleeping gas means that you will find a way out of a difficult situation, but it will cost you a fortune and you will have to seek help from friends. Light a match - a petty quarrel that will go out the same way as the flared.

Hasse’s dream book

Kindle candles in a dream - fall in love with someone. If the candle continued to burn, your feeling will not remain without attention will turn to the mutual. And if you went out, love will bring some frustration and disappointment. Light the lamp - the house will be a family celebration. The lamp is not lit up at once - the organization of the holiday will be for you too troublesome and probably very expensive. Kindle a fire, the fire - your dreams and expectations will prove entirely futile and fruitless.

Dream book of Health

Light candles — all you need spiritual cleansing; Light the lamp - to positive emotions of family happiness.

Azar’s dream book

Light the lamp - a celebration of the house; Kindle Fire - will gain the love; light candles - fall in love.


Spiritually in dreams a bright light symbolizes the manifestation of divinity, truth or direct knowledge. Often this knowledge is beyond form and, therefore, appears as energy, which the dreaming mind translates as light. When light appears in dreams we are usually in process of trying to improve who we are. A very bright light often symbolizes the development of intuition or insight. There are various techniques using candle flames and other sources of light, which can be used in the waking state to enhance this faculty. Light in a dream usually means illumination. For instance, ?light at the end of the tunnel suggests coming to the end of a difficult project. ?He saw the light means recognition of the results of actions. It is much to do with confidence. To feel lighter signifies feeling better about ourselves. Also consult the entry for Lamp.

Miller’s dream book

If you dream of light, success will attend you. To dream of weird light, or if the light goes out, you will be disagreeably surprised by some undertaking resulting in nothing. To see a dim light, indicates partial success.

Dream book of lovers

To dream light - a happy omen. It means that you will achieve success in warm affairs.

Dream book of the Wanderer

The blinking light - the invitation; seducing; prevention.


The difficult and confused situation will clear up.

Lunar Dream Book

To pleasure.

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Conscious intelligence or insight.

Schiller School student’s dream book

Success and wealth.

Esoteric Dream Book

To see something burning - the ardor of passion, depending on what you see. himself - to love languor, sexual desire.


Candles — love; lamp - a celebration in the house.

Henry Rommel

Enable a chandelier - a loss; light a lamp near the icons, to news, to light a candle - to the well-being.

Miller’s dream book

If you had a light - you will succeed. See the mysterious light, or the light goes out - which means that you will be unpleasantly surprised at the lack of results you may take the case. To see the dim light - a sign of slight progress towards this goal.

Hasse’s dream book

Candles — love; lamp - a celebration in the house.

Modern dream book

Change morally the better.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Candles — love; lamp - a celebration in the house.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Bright and blue - a great success; see the lighthouse from the sea - the fulfillment of desires.

Ukrainian Dream Book

As a dream that lamp is lit, is good. Pour into a kerosene lamp - woo.