Dream » R » Reed

The interpretation of the dream «Reed»

Thickets of reeds - the need to show some. care and / or do not get caught up in solving the problems of surface.

Modern dream book

In dreams reeds are harbingers of future happiness. Broken or fractured in the dream dreamed by the reeds that because of insurmountable obstacles, your plans can not be realized. You should take care of the insurance and do not make any sudden movements and jerks.

If you have dreamed a rush, try to be very cautious, because no one wants your enterprise may give a negative result. You can get into a difficult and confusing situation, to get out of where you have to win the support of any of the acquaintances. Try not to play the role of Mother Teresa, and offer a hand of friendship to those who completely ignores you.

If the gap from Friday to Monday, you dream rush, then be a banquet with many kinds of booze. These days you have to be extremely careful: alcohol does not lead to good.

If you dream you harvested cane, then in reality you make hasty steps that will adversely affect your career growth.

Hasse’s dream book

'll Be lucky in business, especially those related to trade, real estate and transportation on water. Dreamed that you decorated the house with reeds - is a sad event in its walls. See furniture made of cane - to travel.

Miller’s dream book

To dream of growing reeds or cane - heralds the successful steps on the path to happiness and success. To see a reed cut off - harbinger of complete failures, failures in all endeavors.

Dream book of the Maya

Good znacheniePi you had a cut reed, very soon you will go on an amendment (I mean, health care, and the work and attitudes). To expedite this process, during the week to keep the desktop cactus. ZnachenieEsli bad you had a burning cane, then someone will betray you. To avoid this, mix ground coffee, salt, pepper and sprinkle a pinch of his shoes, or empty 3 days.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Reed — the joy.

New family dream book

Growing cane dream of happiness and good fortune, but the cut - harbinger of complete failures and failures in all endeavors.

Children's Dream Book

Rushes - to gossip; perhaps you know of someone something very interesting.

Solomon’s dream book

Reed — coup.

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you see a cane or reed, means that you can achieve happiness in love. However, the cut reeds portends misfortune and loneliness.


To dream of growing reeds or cane - heralds the successful steps on the path to happiness and success. To see a reed cut off - harbinger of complete failures, failures in all endeavors.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Rushes - coup.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Whether you feel, what support in life is necessary for you? Accept the help, from where it came. You should not do something important alone. The cane was also applied as cruel punishment. Whether you feel cruelly punished by something or someone? Whether you try to torture yourself? It can be and a sugar cane – a natural source of sugar. Absorb in yourself all pleasure of life. Enjoy yourselves!


Show cowardice.