Dream » W » War

The interpretation of the dream «War»

Seen in a dream the war - to the deterioration of cases, disorder and mess in the house and the relationship with relatives. To see a young girl, as if her lover goes to war means that it happen to hear unflattering comments about his character.

Imagine, if you were to go to war attack - so in reality you can turn up a very profitable and feasible work. Be at war and observe the war - in reality beware of treacherous friends.

Hear on the radio or see on TV all that is connected with the war - in reality you will suffer from major events that somehow relate to you personally and.

If you dream about winning the war and the general rejoicing about it, the reality must be followed by recovery zatuhnuvshego was the case, but at home and harmony reign mutual understanding.

Loss in war is persecution, natural disasters, humiliation and insults. See going to the front of the troops, the excitement, confusion and chaos - to the concerns, trouble, sorrow, and for the sick or the elderly - new sores.

Dream book of Vanga

To dream about war – very bad omen which promises a pestilence and hunger, hard times for adults and children, and especially for the young – to them to be at war and die.

Tsvetkov’s dream book


Hasse’s dream book

To dream of war is an omen warning of unhappy conditions at home and in love affairs. If you dream that your country wins a war, your life will be significantly better in the near future. This dream can also be a normal reaction to upsetting news of war or unrest in real life.

Esoteric Dream Book

"War" at work.

Ancient French dream book

War – dreams to peace life, rest and content.

Miller’s dream book

See the war in a dream - a sign of the serious condition of affairs, as well as confusion and discord in the home. If a young woman dreams that her lover goes to war - it means that she will hear something bad about his character. To dream that your country has suffered a defeat in the war - it is a sign that there will be suffering for the people of the revolution of the major changes in the business and political life. If you dream of a victory - that in reality the subsequent recovery in business activity, family relations with harmony.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

Fight. – Speaks about empty glory, exaggerated popularity.

Lunar Dream Book

War see — row.

Azar’s dream book

Experiences, scandal in a family, work and intensity of nerves

Solomon’s dream book

War — trouble.

Medieval dream book of Daniil

See the war - portends strife in their own home.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

See the war in a dream - a sign of the serious condition of affairs, as well as confusion and discord in the home.

If a young woman dreams that her lover goes to war - it means that she will hear something bad about his character.

To dream that your country has suffered a defeat in the war - it is a sign that there will be suffering for the people of the revolution of the major changes in the business and political life.

If you dream of a victory - that in reality the subsequent recovery in business activity, family relations with harmony.

Dream book of lovers

A young woman who dreams that her lover had gone to war in real life finds something unpleasant about his character. It is possible she will be disappointed in him. If you won the war, it promises to establish a warm and trusting relationships within the family.


As a symbol, the disintegration of order inherent in war signifies some kind of conflict in us. The natural order is breaking down and identifying the source of the conflict often a difficulty in achieving some kind of balance between the inner and outer selves will help to bring a sense of peace or closure. War is ultimately a way of dealing with distress and discomfort. In theory, the outcome should be the re-establishing of order, but this can often only happen over an extended period of time. In dreams, when war breaks out we are dealing with destructive feelings that cannot easily be expressed in any other way. War is often deliberately engineered rather than spontaneous and tends to have a more global effect than mere skirmishes. It therefore suggests that we need to be fully aware of the consequences that our actions may have on others. Dreams of war will depend on the experiences in waking life of the dreamer. In a woman's dream traditionally she would have been on the periphery though this may no longer be true. In a man's dream he is much more likely to be combative. Additional information might be gleaned by consulting the entries for Argue/Argument, Armed Forces, Conflict and Fight.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

The dreamed war – most often foretells bad turn in your destiny. The world and leisure of your house will be intruded upon by some event. In the affairs you will face intrigues of envious persons or rivals. Your health will worsen, the confidence in your material independence will reel.

Dream book of the Maya

Good value

You dreamed about battle — means, now in your life there is a set of considerable events, time when you can change the life to the best came. That everything was exactly as you want, insert a gold ear ring and week into an ear do not cut nails.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

It is a bright symbol of the internal conflict or aggression. Devote some time to introspection, define unresolved internal problems. (see also Fight)

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Conflict and internal aggression.

East female dream book

The similar dream dreamed – wait for efforts on service which will irritate and weigh, but to avoid which it will hardly be possible.

Erotic dream book of Danilova

If in a dream you participate in military operations or see round yourself destructive consequences of battle, it is a symbol of discovery of the new negative lines in character of your partner which are still skillfully hidden. It will cause you pain and disappointment. If you won battle, so will be able to fall in love its such what it is that will make your relations harmonious and mutual.

Hasse’s dream book

Work and intensity of nerves.

Miller’s dream book

To dream about war – the sign of a serious condition put, and also a disorder and contentions in the house.

Modern dream book

To dream war means failures in affairs and disorders in a family. For the young woman to see off in a dream of darling on war means that she learns about it something such that will much surprise her. If dreamed you that your country lost war, wait for economic and political cataclysms which directly will affect your welfare. The victory in war on the contrary promises revival of business activity and family wellbeing.

New family dream book

War dreams to an unimportant situation, and also to a disorder and contentions in the house.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

To see war, fight - recovery, happiness in love.

Russian Dream Book

Troubles, deception;

Azar’s dream book

Scandal in the family.

Esoteric Dream Book

"The War "at work. Killed or taken prisoner - lose. Run away, hide - all calm down, but only for a while. Defeat, kill - will be the winner.


To dream of war - an unfavorable sign. For a young woman's dream in which she married a military, means that it will have a difficult family life. If you dream that you are present at a military parade, in real life you are tired of the chaos around. Your nature requires bringing order and discipline.

Henry Rommel

Dream about military exercises - to success in affairs, to see a divorce, changing of the guard - a waste of money, time to see - to the joy, to be in uniform - a family quarrel, a lot of military - boredom.

Islamic dream interpretation

If someone sees that the inhabitants of the city are at war with outsiders, so that the city is the high cost of food supplies. And if you see that they are at war with the king, it is - to the tranquility of the state and abundance of worldly goods. Running in a dream of battle or battlefield - fortunately.

Miller’s dream book

To see the war in a dream - a sign of serious state of affairs, as well as confusion and discord in the house. If a young woman dreams that her lover goes to war - meaning that she will hear something unpleasant about his character. To dream that your country was defeated in the war - it is a sign that there will be suffering for the people of the revolution, from the major changes in business and political life. If you had a win - that in reality follow revival of business activity within the family with harmony.

Hasse’s dream book

Labor and tension nerves.

Modern dream book

Nuisance competition, difficulty in matters.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Work and nervousness, trouble, trouble in the affairs.

Tsvetkov’s dream book


Ukrainian Dream Book

The War — a quarrel; stress, hard work; News.

Dream book of Vanga

To see the war in a dream - a very bad omen, which bodes pestilence and famine, heavy times for adults and children, and especially for the young - they fight and die. If you are involved in a war, then the dream means that the troubles will affect you or your loved ones, and if you do not have time to hide - you are destined to go through their own and common grief.