Dream » Q » Quarrel

The interpretation of the dream «Quarrel»

Quarrel with anyone in his sleep - waking promises lasting friendships and social status.

Quarrel men and women in a dream - a harbinger of love flash.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Astranger — a new occupation on the other - a loss.

Ancient French dream book

Brawling men — sleep, boding jealousy. If you dream about a quarrel women - You will be the subject of evil gossip. If you dream you were involved in a quarrel - that means waking your friends to show loyalty to you in time of need. Broil children - heralds joy, and a quarrel between husband and wife - bodes good news.

Hasse’s dream book

With a stranger - a new occupation; other - the loss. Also see. Swear.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

The internal conflict between the different aspects of your personality. Try to imagine that the parties discussed in detail the positions of each other, and gradually come to a mutually beneficial solution. This will help you to find the inner peace.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

If you are around you is standing quarrels (even if you are not personally involved in them), it may signify an internal conflict between the different aspects of your I. To resolve this conflict, you can try the following technique: imagine that parts of your I are persons. Imagine how these individuals come together and agree with each other until they come to unanimous agreement.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Quarrel, swearing to hear - the situation is favorable to you, a strong public position. Swear - beware divulge. Woman scold - good. Men, children - quarrel with children. Cattle curse - a disease. Reprimand, reproach receive - the obstacles, hindrances.

New family dream book

Broil in a dream foretells squabbles in real life. For a girl like a dream can turn into trouble, as a married woman - long disorder in the family, and even divorce. If you dream you are a witness to someone else's argument, then you may start failure in the service and there will be disappointment in his profession.

Miller’s dream book

Quarrels in a dream promise misery and fierce altercation. For a girl it is a signal of chronic troubles, and for a married woman - a harbinger of divorce or long disorder in the family. Watch other people's quarrels in his sleep - portends failure and disappointment at work at his craft.

Dream book of lovers

The dreamed quarrel promises troubles.


Spiritual conflict or a conflict between the spiritual self and the physical can appear in dreams as a quarrel. It is a passionate dispute, so suggests that there is extreme feeling. Depending on the other aspects of the dream, quarrelling can suggest that there is conflict between what we have been taught and what we believe, or rather what we have come to believe. Often such a conflict can only be resolved through an outburst of emotion. To dream that we are quarrelling with someone indicates an inner conflict. To be quarrelling with authority, e.g. police, indicates a conflict between right and wrong. For a man to be quarrelling with a woman, or vice versa, signifies a conflict between drive and intuition. Consult the entries for Argue/Argument, Conflict and Police in People for additional clarification.

Nostradamus’s dream book

Quarrels in dreams have a special meaning and most times qualifies as a *true* dream. To dream you are quarreling with a certain person usually shows there are some hard feelings that are either hidden or you find hard to speak about. This dream shows that unless you take the time to iron out the problem that it could indeed become an argument, or even worse.

Dream book of the Wanderer

To quarrel — to reconciliation. To quarrel and thus to turn out - the bad course put, a deep dissatisfaction.

Indian shaman dream book

The Krugloshchyoky man who looks for quarrels, predicts a meeting with a tiger (with the enemy).


To a primireniniya with the person close to you

Old Russian Dream Book

With the stranger – new occupation; with the friend – loss.

Slavic dream book

To troubles

Ukrainian Dream Book

To hear quarrel in a dream, to quarrel – troubles.


Quarrels in sleep promise of misfortune, and fierce altercation. For girls it is a signal of chronic troubles, as a married woman - a harbinger of a divorce or a long rift in the family. Watch dream other people's quarrels - portends the failure of service and frustration in their craft.

Henry Rommel

Dream where quarrel without your participation, predicts production troubles, disappointment in the profession.If you are with someone quarrel - be saddled with money worries and troubles.Quarrel with relatives - to the good relations with them, the other - to the loyalty and devotion of friends (sometimes to some loss).Lovers quarrel - treason.If a man dream quarrel with a stranger, soon followed by a flash of jealousy in reality.If a woman quarrel with a woman in a dream, it expected to alarm events.Quarrel with a stranger of the opposite sex - a passionate love.

Miller’s dream book

Quarrels in sleep promise of misfortune, and fierce altercation. For girls it is a signal chronic troubles, and a married woman - a harbinger of a divorce or a long rift in the family. Watch other people's quarrels in a dream - portends the failure of service and frustration in their craft.

Modern dream book

Luck and gifts.

Ukrainian Dream Book

Hear in a dream quarrel, quarrel - troubles.