Dream » Y » Yawn

The interpretation of the dream «Yawn»

If you dream you yawn, then in real life, your desire for the pleasures of the finds.

If you had a dream that others yawn, then one of your loved ones will soon get into trouble. Illness prevented them from working as before.

Miller’s dream book

If you see in a dream that yawning from boredom in someone's presence - it portends receive comforting news from distant friends. For a young person to dream that her friend yawns when it means that it will soon be followed by a long-awaited marriage proposal. If it is a dream demonstratively yawns and misses next to it, then it means that soon she would be in a vain search for a new object of his unquenchable passion.

D. Yawn.

If you dream you yawn, then in real life, your desire for the pleasures of the finds.

If you had a dream that others yawn, then one of your loved ones will soon get into trouble. Illness prevented them from working as before.

New family dream book

If you dream that the yawn of boredom - get comforting news from distant friends. Young lady, when she saw in a dream that her friend yawns, can rejoice soon she will get a long-awaited marriage proposal. If it is a dream demonstratively yawns and misses next to it, then it means that soon she would be.

East female dream book

The one who yawns, waiting for an illness or trouble - try to prevent an unfavorable period.

Modern dream book

If you dream you yawn, then in real life, your desire for the pleasures of the finds. If you had a dream that others yawn, then one of your loved ones will soon get into trouble. Illness prevented them from working as before.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

If you see in a dream that yawning from boredom in someone's presence - it portends receive comforting news from distant friends.

For the young person to dream that her friend yawns when it means that it will soon be followed by a long-awaited marriage proposal.

If it is a dream demonstratively yawns and misses next to it, then it means that soon she would be in a vain search for a new object of his unquenchable passion.

Dream book of lovers

If a girl dreams that her lover with her yawns, it means that she will get a surprise marriage proposal. However, a dream in which she yawns next to a man in love with her, portends loneliness because of its readability and excessive pickiness in choosing a life partner. Perhaps she was waiting to meet the perfect person that exists only in her dreams.


In the physical world a yawn is a way of taking in more oxygen. In the spiritual sense it is our inner selves attempting to assimilate more knowledge or power.In the animal kingdom a yawn often is a warning against aggression, and to actually be yawning in dreams may be a way of controlling our own or other's abusive or overly assertive behaviour. If we become conscious of yawning in a dream it can indicate boredom and tiredness in the everyday. We may also be attempting to communicate with someone, but have not yet thought through what we wish to say.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Yawn – an obvious sign of boredom. You need to find a new way out for the creative energy.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Boredom. You need to find a new way out for the creative energy.


Suffer losses.

Hasse’s dream book

To suffer losses.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Incur losses.

Tsvetkov’s dream book
