Dream » S » Sky

The interpretation of the dream «Sky»

The sky — a reminder that there are no borders for growth. A reminder of the enormous potential of human. Reflection of enlightenment, bliss, unity and peace.

Freud’s dream book

What I saw in a dream a clear sky - a good sign, it shows that everything is in your personal life develops the best way you feel on the crest of a wave, all setbacks that you have learned the sex "field", disappear. Enjoy this time, it can be very brief. If the sky in your dream was overcast, it could not see the sun, it means that you have a concern, but you can not communicate that concern sexual life, although quite in vain - if you improve relations with the partner, life will go on smoothly. Meet new people, too, are not forbidden. To see the starry sky - a romantic meeting, to which you really expect. It all depends on you how you will be able to relax and enjoy yourself, do not forget to bring it to your loved one.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

Light - success; blue - expect good; red - a quarrel; starry - the fulfillment of desires, a large inheritance; dark, without stars - risk; in fiery clouds - great joy; red, purple clouds - a serious disease.

Esoteric Dream Book

Plenty of room for thoughts. Net - in your thoughts in order. Night - thoughts about the secret, you will get a secret (esoteric) knowledge. Stormy, gray - in your head too many negative thoughts. Pictures, words, images in the sky - you are invited to think about them, to focus on the mysterious phenomena.

Hasse’s dream book

See the clear sky - will be successful in enterprises; in the clouds - you will overcome obstacles; in fiery clouds - much to the delight; in the stars - much to the legacy; ascend to heaven - will achieve protection; dark - a great danger.

Ancient French dream book

To dream of a clear sky - a good sign. Your dream foretells prosperity in the house. If you dream sky on fire - you'll be attacked, after which will come poverty and despair. In the colors of the sky - promises that soon you will open some sacred truth. If you dream you go up into the sky - You expect great honors.

Modern dream book

If you dream you see the clear blue sky, you theirs will meet interesting people and fascinating ride. But if the sky is overcast or overcast, then the dream symbolizes the frustration. A dream in which you are flying in the sky surrounded by fantastic creatures, is a bad omen. Be wary of his jealousy, do not let it take hold of you. If you dream of the blue sky is purple, the possible disasters in the form of social unrest and rebellion. A dream in which you ascend to heaven, meaning that you can achieve that goal, but it does not bring you joy expected. If such a dream a dream a young man, he may portend climbing the ladder of fame.

Miller’s dream book

If you had a dream the sky is clear, no clouds, light, this means that people will be to show you a huge honor, and you yourself will have an exciting journey that you will make a very fine company. Impure, gloomy sky heralds shattered hopes and women's grievances.

Fly through the sky in a society of fantastic animals and some strange, weird faces, marveling at what is happening (during sleep or awakening) - this means that all the troubles, all the great suffering of manifest itself through jealousy, for which there is a place in your unrequited love; infidelity is one of the partners will be dethroned and punished according to merit.

Bagroveyuschie heaven — the harbingers of social unrest, riots.

Starry sky means that you begin the fight for the feasibility of this life, and the battle is for you to have a happy outcome. However, if the starry sky in your dream has become dim, the struggle will be hard, and prospects - unclear.

Lit sky that displays the heavenly bodies, foretells tremendous work of the spirit, a return to Mother Nature, which will give you comfort and wisdom.

Ascend to heaven - it is a dream to use a vain attempt to introduce to you a great chance to achieve success in the.

See yourself rising to the sky on the stairs - this means that in a society rapidly grow your status. But because of you, it does not require any effort, the rise will not bring you the desired satisfaction.

Azar’s dream book

Peace of mind, long life.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Heaven. Infinity. Available all. Freedom; expansion.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Reach the Sky. There are no boundaries of success. You can grow in all directions.

Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Northern lights in the sky - the changes of great importance in the life of. Fire signs in the sky - all kinds of evil: war, pestilence and t. The flames in the sky great - bad news / death VIPs. Fire falls from the sky - well. But if the people - public calamity / retribution. Instant heat lightning in the sky - the news of the event in the life of the producing coup. Sky - the image of the soul, the pattern of her life. The sun in the sky - the center of the life of the spirit, your mind. In the gray sky flew balloons - the temporary collapse of all hope. Daytime sky - always symbolizes such events in the life of the soul, which you can clearly understand. To see a clear, clear sky without clouds or bright sun - are coming quiet hours and the internal discipline; can be used for spiritual development. Beautiful clouds in the sky, their slow movement and game forms - the harmonious life of the soul. See one white cloud in the sky - something good. And over his head - an honor. Running swiftly across the sky - a symbol interference from the outside world to your spiritual development / unpleasant and rapid changes of mood, vanity, everyday troubles and worries. Cirrus clouds - the secret that elevate the soul of sadness. Towering on the horizon and the clouds coming - your concerns / fears; feelings of anxiety. Dark, closed Dark skies - a call for patience / temporary difficulties. Storm, the storm in the sky - disharmony in the life of the soul. The sky turned blue - strange, sometimes dangerous condition in the life of the soul. Red sky - quarrel, dispute. Yellow or greenish - anger, envy, and t. Carried up into the sky - live in unceasing labors. Being in the clouds - news / new post. The night sky - symbolizes the phenomenon of life of the soul, which is beyond the waking consciousness, which is a mystery to him. The night sky, dark and no stars - it's time trials will live only "upper world", a time for quiet adverse spiritual work. The sky with the stars - execution cherished secret desires, joy, a sign that your soul is in the hands of your higher self. Brightly burning stars - bright future. Misty, veiled light haze - secret sorrow. Bright Milky Way to see - do not force the soul of hope and help from above / outside life inextricably linked with the other being.

New family dream book

Sleep is the clear and clear sky promises sophisticated society, honor and adventure trips. Gloomy sky broken promises of hope and female resentment. Bagroveyuschee sky - a sign of rebellion and unrest. Starry sky heralds the beginning of a successful struggle for the right to self-realization. If you saw himself ascended to heaven, the attempt to take advantage of opportunities opened for you fails. If you dream about climbing the ladder to heaven, you have rapid elevation in society. However, it will not bring much satisfaction, since you do not invest any effort into it.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

Open the gates of heaven - a high official recommendation. Light from Heaven illuminates your body - healing from sickness or disease. Dreams, as the sky clears and the rain stops - will be all the sadness and concern. The light of heaven comes down to your spouse - the birth of a noble son. Naked come to the gates of heaven - is a big undertaking. Head thrown back, looking at the sky - great wealth and nobility. On the dragon rises to the heavens - the achievement of a very high position. Climb to the heavens in search of his wife - the sons and daughters made a noble position. Climb to the heavens in search of the subject - you will receive a high position. Fly up to heaven - wealth, nobility and great happiness. The higher you climb in the heavenly mansions - you will receive a high position. The sky breaks - will be sorrow in connection with the division of the state, country. Stars shine from heaven - come prince, minister or a senior figure. Dream that is about to razvidneetsya, the sky will light up the dawn. - Long life ischastlivaya fate. Ferried across the Milky Way. - There will be happiness. Heaven and earth are connected. - Attain what driving at. Heavenly messenger comes to you. - Presage great happiness. You see the sun and the moon, which had just appeared in the sky. - The family of prosperity and wealth. With the fall of heaven the sun and the moon. - Grief, parents lose.

East female dream book

See the clear blue sky - always the welfare and well-being in life; see the starry sky - to achieve the highest goals.

Aesop’s dream book

The sky is a symbol of purity and inaccessibility. In people, the sky is the place where God lives and where he looks at the sins of men. When the weather spoiled sharply and appeared in the sky storm clouds, it was thought that the wrath of God, which is dissatisfied with the behavior and thoughts of people. In the prayers and penances people pay the face and hands to the sky, asking for forgiveness and help from God. Heavenly life, the dream of all believers, that's life in heaven, thence went expression "happy as in heaven". Seeing a dream in which you carelessly hovering in the sky - a harbinger of a successful resolution of complex issues; to success; to recognize you not guilty. See the sky full of heavy storm clouds that literally burst with rain, but still not coming forth rain - this dream warns of the danger that looms over you; do not take risky moves; Do not trust strangers, because it could end very badly; a confusing business and unclarified issues. To dream that you are going to pray, but different things constantly distracted, and you reluctantly put aside the desired - to disbelief, doubt and disappointment; to get it right, have a good try; a long and tedious affairs.

Vedic dream book of Shivananda

The rest of the life, you will feel the spiritual peace of mind. With a peaceful death.

Dream book of the Yellow Emperor

The rain had ceased, And in the haze of blue sky Opened Wonderful purity. Li Bo primary Elements-metal, water, wind, and fire. Elements - dry, cold, wind, heat. Emotions - sadness, fear, anger, joy. Organs - lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, thin and thick intestine, bladder, gall bladder. The Planets Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars. Heaven in Chinese mythology, the highest category of the universe: under the sky happen all the transformations of the five principles of peace {earth, metal, water, wood, fire), between Heaven and Earth lives in obedience to their laws, a person. Simultaneously, the Sky is very involved in all terrestrial transformations pouring out of the Land of Yang energy pure light and heat from the heavenly light ignite the fire warms the earth, which gives birth to metal and things like that. Sky and Space need a man, like a man needs them. And the earth and the Space needed for the realization of the single living body of the living among the heaven and the earth observer-a person. Trigram sky is Qian (three horses continuous traits represent net Yan light without mixing with Yin energy of the earth). Seasonal effect of trigrams Qian - from early October to mid December: on earth at this time cold, laid the foundations for future traffic growth, but mixing the heavenly light with the earthly Yin very little. Qian symbolizes set certain properties. In the ancient Chinese Book of changes says:. Qian - stiffness and strength; trigram indicates a horse head, the celestial sphere, the father, the Emperor, a circle, metal, red color, a good horse, old horse, thin horse, piebald horse, fruit trees. and the like. All in the list refers to the primacy of the genus to seniority, the brightness and strength, all the way or another, closer to the sky. Watch the sky for a person means a symbolic action, the comprehension of the complexity of the universe, awareness of a part of the Cosmos. If the contemplation of the sea purifies the soul from the vanity, the contemplation of the sky clears the immortal spirit, preparing it for the possibility of conversation. In the sky look in a dream - to contemplate the net Yan light, compensate for the shortcomings of Yang energy. Look in the sky/dream the sky with satisfaction/watch traveling across the sky the clouds - a dream means favorable coincidence of the rhythms of a dreamer with the seasons or the rhythms of winter, the other times it coincidence personal rhythms with the rhythms of nature and the Cosmos in General. Thirst look at the sky in a dream arises either in childhood, when man had not torn from the sky terrestrial problems, or in a more conscious years, when the earthly part of the path safely passed, and one realizes that all this was done for something even more higher. Sleep portends disclosure of creative opportunities and assistance in their implementation. Watch imposed a heavy sky, but without fear, and desire to hide - means unfavorable external situation: some unfinished things are either not produced until the end of world Outlook prevents out on a new path, but the aspiration is necessary to move forward. Watch/see poor, a sky with fear and desire to hide-the amount of wrong actions and inadequate worldview closes from the dreamer way to the Sky. Fear points to his personal, internal problems and the weakened in the first place kidney, liver, bladder, gall bladder. Possible and bowel problems: from the intestine depends not only adopting physical food, but also reception of information in General. With health should begin fix itself and the situation around (sky light up a dreamer comes).

Egyptian dream book of Pharaohs (Kenkherkhepeshef)

If a person sees himself in a dream seeing the sky with rain - bad, it means that an argument against it to begin.

Dream book of Health

See the clear sky - a sign calm and favorable course of events; The sky covered with clouds - outlines the difficulties and conflicts; The sky is dark with thunderclouds - creates a dangerous situation.

Children's Dream Book

If the sky is clear - so you'll get a peaceful life.

If the sky clouds over, so over you "gathering clouds" - will soon begin any problems.

Sky — also symbolizes the nature of your life?.

Lunar Dream Book

Sky Red - quarrel; blue - the joy; clear - a big win; star - the fulfillment of desires; ascend - success in business.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

Son of the sky promises exceptional honors and exciting journey in the most refined society, if the sky is clear in your dreams and clean. Otherwise, the dream is shattered hopes and women's grievances. <br /> If you dream that you're flying through the sky, surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals, and astonishing what is happening, or in sleep or when awake from a dream, it means that all the grief, all that excruciating pain, even touches the gross undeveloped soul expire drop jealousy which will accommodate your unrequited love and infidelity will be debunked.

To dream bagroveyuschee sky - a sign of riots and social unrest.

Starry sky means that you are embarking on this path of struggle for the right to incarnate in this life, but this struggle will be successful for you.

If you see the sky lit up with heavenly bodies - dream promises you huge upcoming work of the spirit, a return to nature, which will give you the wisdom and consolation.

If you see yourself ascended to heaven - that this dream foretells you an unsuccessful attempt to take advantage of the opportunity before you excellent opportunities and achieve success in their work.

If you are in a dream climb the ladder to heaven - dream promises you a quick rise of the society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction, since you do not pay for it any effort.

Dream book of lovers

If you dreamed pure cloudless sky, a dream promises a pleasant romantic journey, during which you have the chance to meet her chosen. Overcast and gloomy sky foretells disappointment in love and women's grievances.

If you dream that you are climbing the ladder to the sky, which means that thanks to a successful marriage you will take a prominent position in society, but it will not bring you satisfaction, because it does not require you little to no effort.


The sky spiritually suggests infinity and that which is above and beyond us a representation of the Ultimate. It also signifies order, particularly that applied to the intuitive function. The sky signifies the unattainable. Whatever effort we make we can never make the sky tangible. This is one reason why the sky gods were so important in more primitive cultures. In dreams the sky can represent the mind and signify our potential. Floating or flying in the sky can be ambivalent, since it can either mean trying to avoid the mundane, or exploring a different potential. If the sky is dark or cloudy it may reflect our mood of gloominess; if it is bright, our mood of joy. You might also like to consult the entries. for Clouds, Float/Floating, Flying/ Flight and Order


The dream of the sky promises exceptional honor and an exciting journey in the polite society, if the sky is clear in your dreams and clean. Otherwise, the dream is shattered hopes and women's grievances. If you dream that you are flying in the sky, surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals, and bewitched happening or a dream, or when wake up from the dream, it means that all the grief, all that excruciating pain that touches even rude undeveloped soul expire drop jealousy, which together your unrequited love and infidelity will be dethroned. Dreaming purpling sky - a sign of riots and social unrest. starry sky means that you enter the path of this struggle for the right incarnate in this life, but this struggle will be successful for you. If you see the sky lit up with heavenly bodies - the dream promises you a great job coming spirit, return to nature, which will give you the wisdom and comfort. If you see yourself as an ascended to heaven - then this dream foretells you unsuccessful attempt to use the open before you, and excellent opportunities to achieve success in their work. If you dream to climb the stairs to the sky - the dream promises you a quick elevation in society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction, since you do not pay him any effort. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about sky

If you dream you see a clear blue sky, you theirs will meet interesting people and fascinating trip. But if the sky is overcast or overcast, then the dream symbolizes the frustration. A dream in which you are flying in the sky, surrounded by fantastic creatures, is a bad omen. Beware of his jealousy, do not let it take hold of you. If you dream of sky blue becomes purple, it is possible disasters in the form of social unrest and rebellion. A dream in which you ascend into heaven, means that you will be able to achieve this goal, however, is not expected to bring you joy. If this young man had a dream, it could presage climbing the ladder of fame.

Henry Rommel

Abright, cloudless sky - for success, peace, pleasure or moral cleansing.Adark, dark, heavy clouds - to the dangers of the disease, adversity. Blue sky - to something good; full of stars - to the fulfillment of desires, inheritance; rays of light in the sky - fortunately, the high patronage.Red sky - to quarrels; with lightning - a fluke; with purple clouds - for social unrest.Sky with planets - for circulation to nature, giving wisdom and fortitude.Be a dream ascended to heaven - in an unsuccessful attempt to use every effort to promote their business; Climbing the stairs to heaven - to quickly achieve a high position in society.Fly in the sky - suffer from infidelity in love.

Islamic dream interpretation

If someone sees in a dream the sky - it falls to the greatness and high status. If one sees in a dream that rises to the sky - will make distant and long journey, which will benefit. If someone sees that ascended almost to the sky, will get a high position in matters of religion and in worldly matters.

Miller’s dream book

The dream of the sky promises exceptional honor and an exciting a trip to the refined society, if the sky is clear in your dreams and clean. Otherwise, the dream is shattered hopes and women's grievances. If you dream that you are flying in the sky, surrounded by bizarre faces and fantastic animals, and bewitched happening or a dream, or when wake up from the dream, it means that all the grief, all that excruciating pain that touches even rude undeveloped soul expire drop jealousy, which together your unrequited love and infidelity will be dethroned. To dream about purpling sky - a sign of riots and social unrest. Starry sky means that you enter the path of this struggle for the right embodied in this life, but this struggle will be successful for you. If you see the sky lit up with heavenly bodies - the dream promises you a great job coming spirit, return to nature, which will give you the wisdom and comfort. If you see yourself as an ascended to heaven - then this dream foretells you unsuccessful attempt to use the open before you, and excellent opportunities to achieve success in their work. If you are in a dream climb to heaven on a ladder - the dream promises you a quick elevation in society, which, however, will not bring you the desired satisfaction, since you do not pay him any effort.

Russian Dream Book

Clean and clear - peace , pleasure, joy; dark, gloomy, overcast - failure, depression.

Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot

Clear — success in enterprises; overcast - to overcome obstacles; in fiery clouds - waiting for a great joy; studded with stars - to receive a large inheritance; rising in the sky - will achieve protection; dark - threatening danger.

Ukrainian Dream Book

If you see in a dream clear, clear sky, it's a beautiful sign that something is new and better life. The sky is red - anxiety, rebellion, war.


A clear daytime sky can represent possibility, limitless potential, hope, or freedom.A gray daytime sky can represent the dampening of optimistic emotions, or feelings of sadness, melancholy, irritability, grumpiness, wistfulness, reflection, etc.A dark, threatening sky can represent a challenge or problem in your life, the feeling that a difficult period is coming soon, or "dark" emotions such as depression, anger, or despair.A night sky can represent infinite possibilities, the magic of nature, among other meanings.

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