Dream » H » Heart

The interpretation of the dream «Heart»

Heart — the need for intuition. Reflection of the situation perceived as a "broken heart".

Aching with suffocation - a reflection of the acute shortage of vitality.

It hurts physically - the need to pay attention to the state of the cardiovascular system.

Miller’s dream book

If you dreamed of his own heart, this means that you get sick, lose vitality. In the dream you have heart ached, you felt like choking - so in reality there will be trouble in the affairs of. As a result of your own mistakes will happen a big loss, but if you can not avoid it in time. Dreamed animal's heart - then you have to fight with their enemies; you gain the upper hand over all and thus attract the attention of many people.

Hasse’s dream book

Feel the heartbeat in his sleep - find yourself in the position of annoying. If you are in good health, the dream of palpitations predicts that you will be afraid of the future, and not be able to keep your emotions under strict control. All of these can cause you immense harm. If you are not a person other than good health, the dream in which you could hear your heart beating, can serve as a warning of even greater future malfunctions in the body.

Esoteric Dream Book

During the operation, live - you may have problems with the cardiovascular system. Dead, animal - you are waiting for bouts of melancholy that must be overcome, otherwise they will affect health. Fake, fake, heart shaped object - deception in love, from motives of interest: you if you give, give, do; you if you give, give, you find.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Love; happiness.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Heart — symbol of love and bliss. It is called the center of true love and believe that it is responsible for emotions. The only authority that the ancient Egyptians were left in the mummy had a heart, because it was thought that without it is impossible to travel to infinity. The expressions "He stole my heart," "This is without a heart," and "She broke my heart," expressed the importance that we attach to it. Do not you think it's time to open your heart to the love and life? Your desire for love is directly related to your ability to awaken the love for yourself.

Dream book of the Maya

Good znachenieEsli you dream that you have lost heart, then you will soon find your love. To feeling was mutual, get a chicken heart, drip on it with their blood, and then sew a red thread, then bury him. Poor znachenieEsli you dreamed that you have pulled out at the heart of someone, then get ready for the fact that someone wants to kill your loved one. To secure it, add it to your morning coffee drop of his blood.

New family dream book

Dreamed that hurts the heart, - prepare for trouble in the affairs of. Try to avoid errors: each of them can cause big losses. If you saw in a dream his heart - feel the energy slump.

Tsvetkov’s dream book

To feel the pain - close dangerous disease;

No heart — the defeat;

Increased — a victory (for men);

(For women) — illness of his father, a husband or lover.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

Cheeks, heart and lung mean spouses;

Dream book of lovers

The dream in which you dream heart, foretells quarrels with darling and troubles in a family.

Dream Interpretation sneaking Velez

Light a fire in the heart - fall in love.


To see your heart in your dream, signifies truth, courage, love, and romance. It is representative of how you are currently dealing with your feelings and expressing your emotions. Also consider the saying "the heart of the matter" which implies that you may need to get down to the core of a situation before proceeding.

To dream that your heart is bleeding, represents desperation, despair, extreme sadness and sympathy.

To dream that you have a heart transplant or heart surgery, indicates a huge change in your personal relationship. Perhaps you are involved in a rebound relationship.

Dream book of the Wanderer

Heart — warm attachment, love; spiritual knowledge, experience. Big - success in everything. In blood - separation; offense; strong emotional experience. - heart in addition can mean various experiences for the husband, the father, the son for the woman.


To a similar problem and in reality; consultation of the skilled cardiologist is necessary.

Slavic dream book

Heart in a dream hurts – to an illness in reality

Ukrainian Dream Book

Dreams that you hear a beating of own heart, – you will get to a difficult situation. The blood-stained, wounded heart – neglect, an unpleasant adventure.


To dream that you heart aches and you feel choking, portends you trouble in business. Some your own fault will cause a large loss, unless you it does not correct the time. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about heart

If you had a dream that you have a sore heart, in real life, you should be careful not to avoid mistakes, you may be costly. A dream in which you see your own heart, predicts disease and decline of vitality. What I saw in a dream the heart of a large animal promises victory over the enemy. If you dream you are eating the heart of the poultry, then in reality you will not look for the easy way out, resulting in can achieve a lot.

Miller’s dream book

To dream that you heart aches and you feel choking, portends you trouble affaires. Some kind of your own fault will cause a great loss if you do not correct it in time. See your heart - predicts disease, loss of energy. See the animal's heart - portends you fight with opponents, in which you become the winner, drawing the attention of many.

Ukrainian Dream Book

Dreaming that you hear the beating of his own heart - you get into a difficult situation. The bloody, wounded heart - neglect, unpleasant experience.


Life, soul, essence of a person. Love, compassion, caring. Passion or enthusiasm. Desire or want.